RDC Design Forum (yearly)
RDC Forum 2016 | RDC Forum 2017
The purpose of our forums is to galvanize our network, and create connections across design leaders with business, or across educational programs. Each year we refine the format to suit the local needs and the growth of the organization.
Our first Forum was under the mantra ‘DESIGNING THE FUTURE’… OF DESIGN EDUCATION + BUSINESS in October 2016. We listened and reviewed the curriculum of all universities, and ways to learn from each other. We highlighted the best designers across Romania, and brought them to front stage. We then showed the businesses present the level of
Our second Forum took the form of a week-long DESIGN THINKING NATIONAL SPRINT in May 2017. Each day of the week, in a different major city, tackling local challenges and identifying local opportunities. We enabled a large national-scale collaboration, identified local leaders, and expanded the network. In the last day we all reconvened in Bucharest, where we shared our learnings, and mapped future collaborations.